The first mistake I noticed is the use of one of the dictionaries which had been bought out by pro-religion elites. Many people today go by dictionaries or even web searches, it has become a habit. In my opinion, a bad habit. There are probably still some reliable dictionaries out there today, but they are those which the original meanings have been preserved – such as certain of those found in some colleges & universities, particularly, those which note when and where certain meanings were added, etc.
In the 1980’s, wealthy pro-religion elites were losing the battle with scientists and secularists regarding ‘creation’ -vs- ‘evolution’, several good books were put out by leading scientists and others on the subjects. But, since people went straight for their dictionaries to look up works, the pro-religion elites began starting up publishing houses and buying out publishers of dictionaries; and they began to rework word meanings. What had happened never got wide publicity or reporting. Thus, most people never really knew just what had happened. But some people witnessed it and I am one of them. You may try to think and do things logically, like go to a dictionary for word meanings, but you may not realize that there are others who have already beat you to the punch and have rigged it so that you will not get the original or real meaning of some things when you try to do that.